

We are proud to say that we roast on a 15 kg Genio Roaster. The Genio's advanced profile control and heat transfer technologies put their machines far ahead in flavour development during roasting.

At our roastery we cup the coffees on a weekly basis after the beans have been roasted. Cupping is used to check the quality of a batch of coffee. In cupping, coffees are scored for aspects such as sweetness, acidity, balance, body, mouthfeel and aftertaste. We try our very best to ensure consistent roasted coffee beans to give our customers and wholesale partners the perfect cup time after time!

We only roast 100% Arabica Coffee beans and we source our coffees carefully to deliver coffees that are full in flavour. Our Coffee's freshness and superb taste makes it stand apart from other coffees. All our coffees are medium roast. Medium roasted coffees have a medium acidity and body, as well as a rounded flavor profile, slightly darker and sweeter.
Brüder Coffee Roastery started because of our love and passion for coffee. We want to improve the coffee culture in Klerksdorp by offering good fellowship, educating customers and serving great quality coffee.

Contact Info

+27 84 885 1155
30 Ian St, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2571

Main Business Hours

07:00am - 17:00pm
07:00am - 17:00pm
07:00am - 17:00pm
07:00am - 17:00pm
07:00am - 17:00pm
Copyright © Brüder Coffee Roastery
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